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safTdox Home[1]


safTdox is an efficient, effective, online Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS). It provides a structured, secure method for storing all of your safety documents. Having these documents online, in the cloud, means that you can be sure that stakeholders and staff have access anywhere anytime to up to date WHS information for your organization.

This system is designed according to AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems [2] and contains a set of documents, templates and samples to kick start the continuous improvement process at your organization.

Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 [3] Subdivision 2 all duty holders must do whatever is reasonably practicable to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others at work. This includes those who are self-employed. The self-employed person is required to maintain their own health and safety while at work.

Documents cannot be deleted from safTdox. When a document is outdated or no longer used it is Archived. The Archives can be accessed by Admin users for suit purposes but documents cannot be removed. A second file management feature is the Time Slice feature.

The Folders

Information about each section of the safTdox WHSMS:

  • Policies - all of your organization's safety policies. This can be used for other policies as well.
  • Procedures - all of your organization's safety procedures. This can be used for other procedures as well.
  • Forms - all of your organization's safety foms. This can be used for other forms as well.
  • JSA/SWMS - all of your organization's safety JSA/SWMS. This can be used for other JSA/SWMS as well.
  • Safety Data Sheets - all of your organization's safety data sheets including both Chemical SDS and Plant SDS.
  • Courses - all courses that you want to make available to your workers and others online. Your site inductions would be an example of this.
  • Consultations - all safety consultations that you have with your workers. This includes written and verbal communications, such as meeting minutes.

Between the lines is the Admin area and is only accessible to user with Administration rights

Administration Folders


  • Employees - for confidential employee records, such as Performance Reviews.
  • Contracts - used for securing your critical contract documents. These might be contracts with suppliers, clients, or partners.
  • Accounts - used for keeping accounting information including scanned receipts if needed.
  • Communications - used to store records of confidential communications with stakeholders. This is different from the Consultations folder.
  • Registers - Registers are list records of safety related activities. SDS Registers required under WHS Act (2011), s346.
  • Admin Documents - all documents related to safety that must be kept confidential such as completed and signed Incident Reports.


  • SAFTDOX HELP [4] - this link brings you here to this wiki!

Your Files

The files that you upload to safTdox are controlled documents. This means that they are NOT draft files or temporary files. They are documents that have been approved for use by an authorized person, or committee, within your organization. This is the key to maintaining records that are of use to you during investigations and court cases.

The concept behind the safTdox filing method is that the simpler the folder structure remains the easier it is to maintain and find the files that you need. safTdox uses a different approach to storing files than your computer does but the folders we have used replicate the look and feel of the computer interface you are used to using.

safTdox files are not just a stack of files. They are controlled documents which means they have intent, purpose, and have been approved. These documents form the basis of your Work Health and Safety Management system and constitute the rules and methods that you have agreed to use at your workplace to keep workers safe, to manage risks, and to meet your legal obligations under the WHS Act relevant to your jurisdiction.

We recommend that you adopt a document labeling method (this is the name used in the safTdox and can be different to the computer file name) that uses a meaningful pre-fix followed by the year and then a consecutive number.

For example, the 25th Incident Report submitted in 2015 might be labelled IR.2015.025 or Incident.2015.0025.

Systematic labeling such as this will improve your ability to search for and find the documents that you need. It is good housekeeping but it is not essential because safTdox searches through labels, file names and descriptions for keywords and will help you to find your files even if they are poorly named.

Quick Start Guide

The Quick Start Guide will help to get you using your safTdox Safety Management System quickly and easily.